
Kamrava's Background & Qualifications

I help develop and optimize human potential through education, goal setting and an effective implementation system. There is far more to each of us than we are aware, and as a coach I accelerate growth until fulfillment is achieved. 

The youngest of four children, I moved to US at 13 and went to University of Denver at 15. At 18, I began searching for a life purpose. After careful analysis, I decided becoming absolutely free of all limitations is the best goal possible since it is all-inclusive. I continued my regular education in parallel to studying the various schools of thought and teachings of the recognized spiritual masters. Got my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Utah State University and moved to California. 

I worked for 30 years in Healthcare/Medical Device industries as Scientist, Engineer, R&D Manager, Clinical Research Director, Project Manager, Program Manager and PMO Director. While working at these difficult and stressful jobs, I continued studying and development of my capabilities within three schools of self-knowledge: J. Krishnamurti, Taoism and Sufism

From Krishnamurti I learned the inner workings of the mind. What is memory, thought, self and awareness. How to be pure seeing and live in the Now.

From Taoism I learned how to activate the body’s energy centers in a gradual, safe and comprehensive manner. With amplification of the energy, I saw that I am not my body and can travel about freely, independent of matter.

From Sufism I learned how to focus the heightened awareness and amplified energy at a particular point in the heart to be born of spirit. 

On August 1st 2005 I reached Awakening and realized infinity. 

Once self-realization occurred, I dedicated the rest of my life to sharing the know-how with others who also want to be liberated. I provide information and development tools through books (prose/poetry), videos, art, software (goalsurfing.com) and coaching. If I was younger and had time, would learn music too so I could communicate through that medium as well 🙂 

Love is my life, identity, work and rest.

Below is the video about how the goalsurfing.com human development app/website came into being. This is one of the tools I use in coaching my clients so they can reach their objectives sooner: