
Gathering to Expand

When a star goes within,
It gathers at a single point,
Until it vanishes from the view.
That which was light, goes dark,
Yet the presence is there,
And all that come near, either vanish too,
Or, circle, in an orbit of adoration.
Such is the power of gathering,
The immense gravity of love.
The center of our galaxy,
Has no form,
Yet all forms dance around it.
The center holds the circle together,
Its presence is felt everywhere.
In gathering, one can expand,
Gather in the heart. 

Your First Love

No, it was not in college, high school or any school!
Your first love is your own essence.
That which brought you forth,
Keeping the heart beating.
It is not a he, she or other,
It has no form, time or dimensions.
It is the ground of your being,
The sky of possibilities,
Ocean of compassion,
The mountaintop from which all is visible.
To that first love be ever committed,
It is the essence of all that is natural, free and beautiful.
So, work to put food on the table,
But live to love your first love.
Sustain the connection to your sustainer.

A Life Well Lived

To enjoy health and peace beyond thought,
Invigorated by intoxicating energy.
That the soul can fly about freely,
And ascend to skies of creation.
To hear the song of cosmos, praising holiness,
That in presence, time and dimensions are absent.
Remembrance of identity,
Realization of reality.
To know, that in truth, there is no other,
All is one, and only one being.
Fulfilment of the human promise,
To be absolute, as well as relative.
To walk among the people, divulging secrets:
“Hey wake up! You are That!”